For the 1st Time, Kuwait Allows Women to Serve in Army

Kuwaiti women will be able to register for military duty beginning in December, with an estimated 150 to 200 female volunteers enlisting. They are also not required to live on military posts. This was disclosed at a news conference held at the Ministry of Defense, after certain MPs and Islamists protested the decision to allow women to serve in the army.

“The time has come for Kuwaiti women to be given the opportunity to enter the Kuwaiti military side by side with their brothers,” the minister said in remarks carried by state news agency Kuna.

The decision was made based on prior research, which was triggered by ministry regulation 657/2021, which was based on statute 32/1967. Women can now join the military in the ranks of specialist officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers, thanks to this decision. They will work in medical, paramedical, and technological domains as needed by the army.

The major purpose of this move is to allow female ministry of defense personnel to join the army as volunteers. All Kuwaiti women are eligible to volunteer to serve in the army in specific professions. These female cops will be paid the same as male officers. The decision to allow women to join the army was motivated by shortages in some areas.

"There are some sectors where women are required, such as medicine and paramedicine." Women inspectors are also needed to operate as Amiri guards at palaces and as personal guards for female delegations visiting Kuwait. They are also significant in the technological, engineering, electronics, air force, air defense, and administrative domains," Kandari emphasized.

Depending on the field, the courses last one to three months.
Female graduates will be assigned ranks based on their degree after completing the course.
University graduates will be assigned the rank of staff sergeant, diploma holders will be assigned the rank of sergeant plus two allowances, and high school graduates will be assigned the rank of sergeant.

Col Tareq Al-Sabr, Director of the Public Mobilization Directorate explained that soldiers who have passed the 11th grade will be given the rank of corporal with two allowances, those who have passed the 10th grade will be given the rank of corporal and one allowance, those who have passed the 9th grade will be given the rank of corporal, and those who have passed the 8th grade or less will be given the rank of soldier,"

Sabr also described the procedures for registering women on the army's official website, The essential requirements for enlisting are Kuwaiti nationality, excellent health, and a good reputation (no criminal record).

For the 1st Time, Kuwait Allows Women to Serve in Army

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