Cover Photo for Atyab Farrouj Restaurant - Khalde Branch - Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
Logo of Atyab Farrouj Restaurant - Khalde Branch - Mount Lebanon, Lebanon

 Atyab Farrouj Restaurant - Khalde Branch - Mount Lebanon, Lebanon

Contact Info of Atyab Farrouj Restaurant - Khalde Branch

Phone Number:Phone Number+961 (0)5800118

Address of Atyab Farrouj Restaurant - Khalde Branch

 Lebanon :: Mount Lebanon Governorate \ Aley \ Khalde - Coastal Highway
Atyab Farrouj - Dora
 Atyab Farrouj - Dora

Chicken Restaurant, Sandwiches Restaurant

Atyab Farrouj - Khalde
 Atyab Farrouj - Khalde

Chicken Restaurant, Sandwiches Restaurant

Atyab Farrouj - Haret Hreik
 Atyab Farrouj - Haret Hreik

Chicken Restaurant, Sandwiches

Other information related to Atyab Farrouj Restaurant - Khalde Branch

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